Goans in India’s Defence Services
By Valmiki Faleiro
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd), former Chief of Army Staff and Governor of Punjab & Administrator-Chandigarh.
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[Seen in the above photo are:
(from L to R): Dr Francisco C Colaco, Dr Dhillon Dessai, Col (retd) John
AA D'Souza, Daisy Faleiro, Livia de Abreu Noronha, Dr Savia Viegas,
Brig (retd) Ian de Costa, Cmde (retd) Gilbert Menezes, Maj (retd) Venugopal
Nair, Secretary-Goa Rajya Sainik Board (partly seen)].
Contrary to public perceptions, Goa contributed a large number of senior officers to the Indian armed forces, says a new book on the subject.
Faleiro’s ‘Patriotism in Action’ lists over 350 persons of Goan origin, who have donned uniform in the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force. There are many others whose names are yet to be recorded, says the author.
This new book was released by Ms Liva de Abreu Noronha at a well-attended function with family, friends, literary enthusiast and well wishers.
Col (Retd) John A A D’Souza regretted the declining number of defense recruits in Goa in recent times. He said there were misunderstandings over the job, and youngsters needed more information on competitive Central government jobs too.
In an emotional speech, writer and scholar Dr Savia Viegas stressed the importance of local histories which project the diverse aspects of Goan achievement, before this is all forgotten and disbelieved.
Dr Dhillon Dessai said the book made clear about the Catholic contribution to the armed forces from Goa, and praised the author— a former journalist and ex-civic chief of Margao— for taking on this task.
Another speaker at the event, Dr Francisco Colaco said the achievements listed in the book showed the bravery of the Goan. He cited stories of valour.
Faleiro’s book offers lists of officers killed in action, and those from Goa decorated with gallantry awards. There is also a listing of Goan officers who took part in ‘Operation Vijay’, the action which ended Portuguese rule in Goa, five decades ago.
Likewise, there is a list of Goan officers who took part in wars. In a series of articles, the book touches on Goan aviators, and the Goan “fascination for adventure”.
Faleiro says that many Goan officers, after retiring, have taken to doing works of compassion and charity. His detailed listing contains literally hundreds of names and dozens of events, which throws new light on a subject little was earlier known about.
Former Indian Army chief General, Sunith Rodrigues appreciated the author whom, he said, had “embarked on an ambitious task”.
The hardbound book, priced at Rs 600, is available in major bookshops around Goa and outside.
The author, Valmiki Faleiro, can be contacted via email: valmikif at
[Links, photo jpg as received from Valmiki Faleiro,
forwarded to gaspar almeida,]